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Sarah Krawczyk

Actor ~ Singer ~ Director



Hey there!

I'm Sarah Krawczyk. Yes, I know that last name has a lot of consonants. And yes! you're so right! It IS Polish! See look at us, getting along already. 

I am an actor, a director, and an artist. I am passionate about my work and persistent in my pursuit of it. I have been involved with the arts for as long as I can remember and I am eager to share my vision with the world. I am a strong leading lady/ character actress.

I got my start in stage acting but as my career has progressed, I have found a love for directing as well. I have had the opportunity to explore Film and shadow puppetry with my directing and I plan on pursuing them further after I graduate in the spring of 2023. 

More about me!

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Education: BFA Acting Coastal Carolina University

Favorite role: Ms. Lovett in Sweeney Todd

Eye color: Green

Height: 5'5



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© 2023 by Sarah Krawczyk, Actor/Director/Singer

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