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My work as a director

That's me!

I have always had a strong sense of vision for every project that came my way. Whether that be a school project, a creative project, or one of my famous cakes I make, I've always been a leader and an effective articulator of my ideas. The funny thing is, I never saw myself as a director until my sophomore year of college when I had the opportunity to direct a shadow puppet piece based on a dream that I had. I was hooked. I loved being the facilitator of the creative process, I loved watching my actors, puppeteers, and designers succeed, and I loved seeing my vision come to life.

From there I have made many more projects, each one surpassing the other in quality and passion. I am proud to represent women in directing and I am committed to telling narratives that reflect our stories. I plan to continue my directing career after I graduate in the spring of 2023.

See my previous projects below

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Past projects

"Killer Queen"
trailer and short film

The Killer Queen Team has filmed a proof of concept short film and a trailer and is currently raising funds to produce a full-feature film. Please contact me if you are interested in looking at a pitch deck.

The story follows a group of four high school girls of various backgrounds as they research the history of the famous murder of a pageant queen in their town.

The primary genre of the film is campy horror and takes inspiration from films such as the Fear Street Trilogy, Black Swan, The Craft, and Breakfast Club. Killer Queen also includes elements of comedy and horror/mystery, inspired by Scream and Scooby-Doo

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"Small space Cadet"
music video

This music video is written, sung, and directed by yours truly. This was a song I wrote about children I saw on the subway and how I imagined their lives to be after they got off the train. I knew a friend who produced music and we got recording.

As soon as the song was recorded, I knew my work wasn't finished. I decided to turn my song into a Wes Anderson-inspired music video using a borrowed camera, one light, and a couple of friends.


Short Film

"Wheel" was the first short film that I created. It was based on a dream that I had (which is a common theme in my work) that was brought to life. I filmed this in the summer of 2021 with two crew members, my actors, and myself. It was a big learning curve in my career and I learned so much in filmmaking just by getting out and getting my hands dirty.

"Wheel" is more of a Brechtian surrealism piece. I believe that this piece represents the fear of losing control.


"The dream"
Shadow puppetry

"The Dream" was the first project I ever directed and was definitely a push in what I thought I was capable of artistically. This piece uses overhead projectors to create shadow stories. Using a combination of actors and small handcrafted puppets, one is able to create a dynamic and unique picture.

My team of actors and puppeteers and I worked together to recreate a strange dream that I had. This process was a challenging one but at least after making those puppets now I am really good with an xacto knife.

© 2023 by Sarah Krawczyk, Actor/Director/Singer

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